RFB Woodcraft

Spalted Maple Cutting Board w/handle


Beautiful Spalted/Ambrosia Maple cutting or Charcuterie board.  Excellent Spalted coloring throughout the board along with several Ambrosia streaks.  The board is 19 inches from the end of the handle to the tip, approximately 7 1/2 inches wide, and 3/4 of an inch thick.  The actual board portion (minus the handle) is just over 12 inches long by the 7 1/2 inches wide.


Q. How are the cutting boards finished?

A. All boards are individually flattened and sanded smooth.  They are then treated with several coats of cutting board oil.  

Q. How should the board be cleaned?

A. Wash the board with warm soapy water, rinse, and dry immediately.  Let the board stand vertically in place with good are circulation.  Never put a wood cutting board in the dishwasher!  

Q. Is there any special treatment required for a cutting board?

A. All wood cutting boards should be treated with a good cutting board oil monthly, or more frequently if used regularly.  Mineral oil will work – but I would recommend treatment with an oil specifically formulated for wood boards.  There are a number of good ones available.  They can be found in Lowes, Home Depot, most local woodworking stores, or many are available online.

Q. What if my board is showing significant signs of wear?

A. Over time all boards will show some signs of wear.  If used primarily as a cutting board it will obviously pick up scratches and marks.  As long as it is kept clean and oiled these should cause no functional problems.  Boards can also be sanded to restore a newer look.

Q. Can feet be added to the board?

A. Yes, although experience has shown that many people like to use one side for cutting and work, then flip the board and keep one side unblemished for display.  If feet are wanted I can add them.